Ministries / Volunteering

Giving your parish a helping hand
How is God calling you to serve the Catholic parish of Gosport? Being part of any community is about getting involved and churches are no exception. Getting involved will mean you get the most out of church life and deepen your own relationship with God and other people as a result. There are many ways of getting involved in the parish. You can volunteer to be a catechist, church cleaner, or assist with catering for parish events. Contact the Parish Office for details.

A key area for volunteering is the liturgy. We are dedicated to making our Sunday worship as good as it can possibly be. Why not submit a volunteering form to tell us how you can help? We rely heavily on people like you! We are always looking for people who will share their talents with the Lord and with their brothers and sisters.


Readers exercise their responsibility by mediating the presence of Christ. God speaks to the assembly through them.

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), assist Fr Matthew at Mass and in visiting the sick & housebound.

Altar Servers

Altar servers have the privilege to be close to the action of the Mass and to assist the priest and deacon in their duties as Jesus becomes present to us in the Eucharist.


A catechist is someone who passes on the faith. We need catechists for all the different programmes we have in the parish.


Music plays a key role in our praise and worship of Almighty God